Thursday, September 20, 2012

Organized Things

She puts her belts in one drawer and wraps her stockings in a shawl so they don't catch on the belts or on the rough wood inside the dresser. able about account acid across addition adjustment advertisement agreement after again against air almost among amount amusement angle angry approval argument army attack attempt attention attraction authority automatic awake baby back balance band base basin basket beautiful because berry between birth bite bitter black blood blow breath bridge bright broken brother brown brush bucket building business button butter burst cake camera canvas carriage cause certain chain chance cheese chemical chest chief church clock complete complex condition connection conscious control copper cotton country curtain cushion damage daughter decision degree delicate dependent design desire destruction detail development different direction discovery discussion distance distribution division drawer dress driving education effect elastic electric engine enough example exchange existence expansion experience expert false family farm father feather feeling female fertile fiction finger fish fixed flame flight floor flower food foolish force forward frame frequent friend future garden glove gold government grain grass green great group growth guide hair hand head healthy hearing heart help

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